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Blood Ties (Creole Nights) Page 9

  Once Gideon was within a few feet of Enola, she stood on shaky legs before falling to her knees. Gideon tried to leap over her and kill any and every threat. Unfortunately, Gideon bounced off of an invisible wall. He heard his brother’s yelp as he hit the ground. Gabriel had obviously run into the same obstacle. Witches from every direction had closed in on Enola and her family. They were chanting spells that were rendering the Roux women powerless.

  Gideon watched helplessly as Enola screamed out in pain. When she reached out for him, and he couldn’t get to her, his heart nearly shattered.

  No! No! No!

  It was all too reminiscent of the day that his brother had lost the love of his life.

  Gideon howled out his pain. He couldn’t bear to lose Enola. She wasn’t just another lover. She was his mate.

  Gideon’s growl was so fierce that it shook the ground. Unfortunately, it did nothing to break the barrier between him and his mate.

  Gideon was still scratching at the wall when Marie Roux stepped out onto the balcony. Her usual tight bun was no more. He long hair was flying freely behind her, and her elegant, white nightgown was dancing in the wind. She held her hands over her land and closed her eyes. She was chanting a spell that echoed throughout the entire population.


  Marie’s call to her granddaughter was loud enough to rattle the earth beneath them.

  * * * *

  Enola screamed and dug her nails into the soil. When she looked up at Gideon, he was growling and pacing back and forth. She could tell that he was desperately trying to figure out how to tear through the wall made of spells.

  Gideon lowered his large head to the ground and locked eyes with Enola. What felt like the equivalent of a spear through the brain caused Enola’s entire body to spasm. She hollered out in pain, regretting it instantly when Gideon began to whine like a wounded animal.

  Enola was surrounded by enemies, but looking into Gideon’s sad eyes was more painful than anything that her enemies could do to her.


  Her grandmother’s voice shot through her like electricity. Enola turned her head towards the house. On the balcony, her gran stood tall and strong. Her presence was ethereal, like and angel that floated down from a cloud.

  ‘Enola Marie Roux! You listen to me, child. You are not just human. You are also a beast. You are not simply a strong Voodoo priestess. You are THE most powerful being on this earth! You are the mystical Phoenix! Now, you get off of your knees, and tear down that goddamned wall!’

  Marie raised her hands to the sky and unleashed a chant that blew over her like a hurricane. Enola clawed the dirt and looked up at Gideon. She stared into his eyes and pulled strength from his determined glare.

  As her grandmother’s chant weakened their enemies, Ruby and Margo stood and joined in, providing even more power. Enola rose to her feet and stood in front of her family’s longest, most vicious enemy.

  The priest.

  The arrogance in his expression indicated that he was sure her family would be defeated. But Enola had a trick for his smug ass. She expanded her lungs with a deep breath, closed her eyes, and focused on every witch in the vicinity, except for the priest. She planned to save him for last. She threw her arms up and released a scream that could probably be heard by the deaf.

  Enola could hear the blood curdling screams of the witches and vampires that once surrounded her and her family. She opened her eyes in time to see several of them, covered in flames, frantically rolling around on the ground.

  As they burned, Enola ignored the screams and turned towards the invisible shield. Since the witches were burning, the only one sustaining the invisible wall had to have been the priest.

  Enola said a short chant and destroyed the wall, allowing Gideon and his pack to exact their revenge. Led by Gideon, the pack roared and shot past Enola and her family. They were ready for battle, but the battle didn’t last long. The wolves tore through every remaining vampire in sight.

  Enola looked around her grandmother’s plantation. They were surrounded by blood and gore.

  “The priest is getting away!” Ruby shouted at Enola.

  Enola turned to see the priest hauling ass across the lawn. Enola took a step, but Margo grabbed her arm. “I got this,” Margo said confidently.

  Enola squinted, studying Margo. How was she going to handle the priest?

  Margo closed her eyes. She took a deep breath and exhaled.

  “Stop,” she whispered softly.

  To Enola’s shock, the priest actually stopped. Enola turned back to her cousin with her mouth wide open and watched her do her magic.

  “Turn around,” she ordered. “Come back.”

  The priest complied. As he walked back towards them, his pasty face was etched with pain. Enola could tell that he was fighting the compulsion every step of the way. But, apparently, Margo’s power to compel was too strong.

  “What the fuck?” Enola muttered under her breath to Margo.

  “What?” Margo shrugged. “Y’all gotta know everything about me?”

  “She’s a siren,” Ruby said, astonished.

  A what?

  She didn’t get a chance to inquire out loud because the priest was standing in front of them, and Enola could see the evil in his eyes. He had set out to destroy their entire line for more than a century, and they still didn’t know why.

  “Sit,” Margo ordered, walking past the priest.

  The priest struggled against his urged to sit, but ultimately planted his ass in the grass. Margo walked over to Gabriel, dropped to one knee, and ran her fingers through his thick fur.

  “He’s all yours,” she whispered to him.

  Gabriel licked her chin and strolled passed her. The other wolves, including Gideon, stalked towards the petrified priest. Enola felt a strong sense of satisfaction that Gabriel would finally have his revenge.

  ‘Your time has come.’

  Her gran’s voice in her head prompted Enola to turn towards the house. From where Enola was, she could see that she was smiling.

  ‘I’m so very proud of you, baby. I love you.’

  ‘I love you too, Gran.’

  Enola smiled up at her beautiful grandmother. Knowing that she’d made her proud gave Enola a feeling that she wished she could have over and over again. Unfortunately, the feeling ended abruptly when her grandmother collapsed on the balcony.



  It certainly hadn’t been a typical Louisiana funeral, unless of course the decedent was royalty. And judging from the influx of Louisiana dignitaries, Marie Roux was definitely Creolean royalty. Enola wasn’t surprised by the mayor’s appearance, but when she learned that the governor was in attendance, admittedly, she was surprised.

  After the funeral service, Enola, Ruby, and Margo, dressed in all black, followed the horse drawn hearse to the cemetery. She barely heard the somber music, played by the NOLA City Jazz Band, as they approached her gran’s final resting place. Gideon placed his hand on Enola’s shoulder. He’d done that often throughout the day, just to let her know that he was behind her. She didn’t turn around, but she placed her hand over his, taking great comfort in his touch.

  Once her gran was laid to rest, Enola and her family, accompanied by the Toussaint wolves, decided to forego the large celebratory parade through the streets of New Orleans known as the “second line.” They had more important business to attend to.

  Gideon led them out of the cemetery and into a dark SUV. The drive to Black Water Bayou was somber, but short. Gideon drove the entire way with his hand over Enola’s, and she spent the entire time staring out of the window. Memories of her gran played like a movie in her mind, each memory better than the last.

  Gideon pulled over near the tree line. He hopped out of the SUV and opened the door for the ladies. Enola and her family followed Gideon to the cargo van that had followed them to the bayou. Boone hopped out of the van and opened the back door. I
nside was the priest, or what was left of the priest after the wolves were done torturing him. He was a torn, bloody mess.

  Gabriel climbed out of the passenger seat and walked around the van. He reached inside, grabbed the priest by the back of his neck, and yanked him out of the van. The priest yelped as he hit the ground in a thud. Gabriel had no mercy. He grabbed him by the hair and dragged him through the dirt.

  Enola and the rest followed Gabriel through the trees until they made it to a clearing. They were in the exact same spot where Auriette Moreau was executed. Boone had already prepared a wooden stake. The priest began to scream for help the moment he saw his method of execution.

  “Shut up!” Margo demanded.

  The priest’s lips snapped shut. He was quivering as if the compulsion was physically painful.

  “What God would give Margo this power?” Ruby muttered humorously.

  Ruby’s words were Enola’s exact sentiments but she kept her mouth shut and watched, with pleasure, as Boone used a thick rope to bind their enemy to the wooden stake. Once the priest was securely bound, Gabriel approached the priest and asked, “Why?”

  “Why?” the priest parroted.

  “Why did you murder my woman, witch?” Gabriel gritted.

  “She was my woman!” the priest bellowed.

  Enola recoiled from shock. Someone had forgotten that part of the story.

  “What?” Gabriel scoffed.

  The look on Gabriel’s face was that of pure disgust.

  “I owned her mother. When she was born, she was so beautiful that I claimed her as my own. But she chose to lay down with a dog instead of having me. I vowed then to crush her and her entire blood line.”

  Enola gasped. It had finally hit her. She didn’t know why it had taken her so long to figure it out. In order for Auriette to have a blood line, there had to have been a child.

  She walked over to Gabriel. The horror in his eyes was telling his story.

  “He killed her too,” Gabriel sighed.

  “Oh, my God,” Margo gasped.

  Enola squinted, thinking of a piece of the puzzle that was missing. Gideon placed his hand on Enola’s shoulder. As if reading her mind, he explained.

  “There were two. Twins. Gabrielle and Geneva. He knew of Geneva, but he had no clue about Gabby. She kept your line alive.”

  Enola was blown away. She had just learned that she was not only a descendant of Auriette Moreau, but she was also a descendant of Gabriel Toussaint.

  Margo walked up behind Gabriel and placed her hand on his shoulders. “All right, Grandpa Gabe, we’ll get the history lesson later. Can we kill the evil priest now?”

  Gabriel dropped his head and chuckled. Typical Margo. She could make a person laugh in the worst of circumstances. But within seconds, Gabriel returned to the matter at hand. He stepped closer to the priest, his demeanor serious and deadly.

  “Father Bartholomew Batiste, you have been tried and found guilty of witchcraft. Having whored yourself to Satan, you are sentenced to death!”

  Gabriel smirked devilishly at the priest.

  “You can repent for your sins, but it won’t matter. You will die the same fiery death that you bestowed upon my love.”

  Gabriel stepped back and turned to Enola. The priest struggled against the ropes as if Margo couldn’t confine him without them. Enola stepped forward. She looked the monster right in the eye, and proudly recited Auriette Moreau’s curse.

  “Je déclenche le feu sur vous tous! I unleash these very flames upon you!

  Enola raised her hand and directed her palm at the priest. He screamed bloody murder as he burst into flames. Admittedly, it gave her great pleasure to set that son of a bitch on fire.

  Gabriel walked over to Enola and pulled her in his arms. She could feel a slight tremble as he held her tight.

  “Thank you,” Gabriel whispered. “You have given me something I have waited over a century for. I will forever be grateful.”

  Enola returned Gabriel’s hug. “Don’t thank me, Grandpa Gabe.” Enola chuckled. “This was my destiny.”

  Enola could hear Gideon clearing his throat behind her. Gabriel kissed the top of her head and mouthed, “Thank you.”

  “Can you turn my woman loose now, baby brother?”

  “Four minutes,” Gabriel muttered before walking away. “You’re four minutes older than me.”

  Enola walked over to Gideon, snaked her arms around his neck, and pulled his mouth to her own. When their lips touched, it was as if a pound of stress melted away. He deepened the kiss, making her weak in the knees.

  “You’re a beast,” she mumbled against his lips.

  “That I am, Nola, darlin’.”

  They’d been through so much, in so little time. Enola just wanted to go to Gideon’s place, take a hot bath, and lay up with her man all night.


  Enola giggled as Gideon pulled her through the massive entrance of La Maison d ‘Auriette, Gideon and Gabriel’s elaborate, historical French Quarter hotel.

  “Nola, wait!” Margo squealed from the entrance. Enola turned to her cousin. She was beautiful in her emerald green bridesmaid’s dress, smiling and waving Enola’s bouquet over her head.

  “You forgot to throw the bouquet.”

  Enola grabbed the train of her wedding gown and walked over to Margo. “Thanks.”

  She took the bouquet and walked over to Ruby. Enola tossed the bouquet at her aunt’s face, catching her off guard. Ruby caught the bouquet without thinking. She looked down at what was in her hand and tossed it to Crystal.

  “I’m already married,” Crystal giggled, tossing the bouquet to Margo.

  Margo sniffed the beautiful bouquet of pink roses and bent over to hand them to Dania, Crystal’s little girl. “You’re the flower girl, young lady. This is your responsibility.”

  “Okay,” Dania squealed, happily taking the bouquet.

  Enola laughed at her ladies. They were acting as if she’d thrown a bomb at them.

  Gideon grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her to face him. She saw raw, unconditional love in his sparkling gray eyes, and she had never seen a man wear a tux the way her new husband did. Gideon was tall, strong, and beautiful, and he made her feel as if she was the air in his lungs.

  Eight months ago, they had all been fighting for their lives. They won the battle, but they lost their matriarch. After a lot of grieving, a lot of healing, and a lot of love, Enola was truly happy. She looked over at Crystal and Dania and smiled. No, she would never return to the life she had, but she was able to bring a couple of important players into her new, and happier, life.

  Gideon pulled Enola into his arms, looked her in the eyes, and said, “I love you, Nola, darlin’.”

  “And I love you, mate,” Enola responded happily.

  He placed his hand in the small of Enola’s back and guided her towards the street. They took their position behind the jazz marching band. Once their friends and family took their positions, the band began to play.

  Enola smiled up at her new husband as she danced down Royal Street. Together, she and Gideon, accompanied by her clan and the Toussaint wolves, showed the tourists how the Creole partied in the beautiful French Quarter.


  Blood Lust



  Margo bent the circular driveway and parked in front of her family’s historic Louisiana plantation. She hopped out, knowing that leaving her car out front was going to piss her mother off. But it was 8AM, and she’d been out all night. Taking the time to park in the multicar garage would make it that much longer for her to fall into bed. So, she turned off the engine and left the key in the ignition. If anyone had a problem with where she parked, they could move the car themselves.

  Margo climb out of her Bimmer and hurried up the steps. As soon as she crossed the threshold her mother’s voice range out.

  “Marguerite Roux, you go move that car right now!”

  Margo looked ar
ound, but her mother was nowhere to be found. For a brief moment, she wondered if her empath mother had inherited her gran’s ability to communicate telepathically. However, since it was Enola who had risen to the head of their family, it was unlikely.

  She looked toward the parlor to find her mother standing in the entryway with her arms folded, donning a very familiar look of disapproval.

  “I’m going right back out,” Margo lied. She rushed over to the staircase, knowing that as soon as she got to her bed, she would be passing out.

  “Yes, we are. So, go and get cleaned up.”


  Margo froze and turned to look at her mother. She gauged her attire and noted that she was head to toe business chic in a slimming, cream jumpsuit that flattered her curves, and pink high-heels.

  “You look pretty.”

  “Save it,” Ruby clipped. “You need to get ready. We’re outta here in thirty minutes.”

  Margo blew out a harsh breath, wishing she’d snuck in the back door.

  “What am I getting ready for, Ma?” Margo grumbled. “Where are we going?”

  “The Council of Legends is meeting in The Quarter.”

  “Nope. Not gonna happen.”

  Margo jogged up the stairs, taking them two at a time. She was exhausted and the last thing she wanted to do was sit in a meeting full of freaks. Ever since her gran died and Enola married Gideon, their life seemed to be all about Voodoo, wolves, and other magical creatures. Margo missed the time when no one, not even she, was aware that she had magical abilities. She was totally content with being underestimated and in the background.

  It had been more than a year since their home was attacked by witches and vampires, and more than a year since her beloved grand-mère died. Margo needed normalcy. She needed a breather. Therefore, a meeting of the magical beings was not about to happen.

  “Marguerite!” Ruby shouted at her back as she reached the landing.